
Andrew Dornenburg & Karen Page in Portland

I can remember my first day of school like it was yesterday, picking up all of my chef's clothes and books. Oh the stack of books were unbelievable. I think I had 11 in all.

Two books that stood out, and that I've referred to since leaving school, are by Andrew Dornenburg and Karen Page and are titled The New American Chef and Culinary Artistry. Well I just learned that the culinary duo will be signing copies of their latest book, The Flavor Profile, at In Good Taste this Thursday at 5:30 p.m.!

For anyone who enjoys expert culinary advice that's easy to read and follow or wants an opportunity to ask Dornenburg and Page questions about their journeys, this is an event not to miss. 

The Flavor Bible
Book signing with Karen Page & Andrew Dornenburg

"The respect and admiration that food professionals have for them gives them access to a wonderful depth of knowledge and experience that they bring to life in their work". -- Chef Daniel Boulud
Meet the dazzling duo that brought us "Culinary Artistry", "The New American Chef", "Becoming a Chef", "Dining Out" and the 2007 IACP Cookbook of the Year and Georges Duboeuf Wine Book of the Year "What to Drink With What You Eat". In this intimate venue, you will meet these New York-based James Beard award-winning authors as they share their thoughts on flavors and pairings, the subject of their latest groundbreaking book, “The Flavor Bible”, an essential guide to culinary creativity. After their discussion, you will have the opportunity to ask them questions about the book and their work. At the end of the discussion and Q&A section, the authors will sign your book.

The price of the book ($35) covers your cost of entry to this special evening. You will pick up your book at the event. To register for the event click here.



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