
The finale awaits

I'm embarrassed to say that I nearly forgot what the first week of May would bring, and I don't mean Cinco de Mayo. The end of the journey through culinary school seemed to wrap up so quickly after our stint in Bleu. FOODday came and went and voilĂ , the journey is over and I'm thrown back out into the real world, so to speak.

But the end of this week marks the official wrap-up of it all. Spring graduation for WCI will take place at the Oregon Convention Center on Saturday, May 3 at 12 p.m. A reception will following back at the school with food prepared by the school's master chefs...yum!

I'm looking forward to seeing my cooking school cronies and can't wait to catch up and see what they're all up to. For anyone who's ever been interested in going to culinary school and wants to see what it's like, the school does sell additional tickets to the ceremony now through Friday at Café Bleu, or at the convention center, for $20.


1 comment:

  1. Congrats on making it through, Jennifer!
