
Turning the burners down

I'm coming up on the two-year anniversary from when I started this blog, which began just as I made the decision to attend culinary school here in Portland, Oregon. I've documented my journey through school, my desire to write my way into the world of food writing and my random explorations into the culinary world.

Over the last few months my postings have been a bit sporadic, and the content has shifted away from what I've truly wanted it to be. I've decided to officially call a hiatus and take a break from the blog and refocus on a few other things in my daily life.

In the meantime, for any of you who are on Twitter, you can follow me here: www/twitter.com/savor, where I'll continue to post my musings in 140 characters or less with foodies from all over the globe.

I will be back with laptop in my lap and more adventures to document along the way.

Until then, happy eats and remember to savor every little bit life that comes your way each and every day.
